going back to school
Good evening. Good evening everyone, good evening. We're back. By the way, I forgot to even mention
this anywhere but we've moved to a bi-weekly schedule rather than a weekly schedule,
if you hadn't noticed. Yeah it's just a little bit more manageable for us at the moment anyway,
we might switch back to doing episodes weekly once we get used to college and the workload and stuff,
But for now, like, releasing an episode every two weeks makes more sense for us and our schedules.
It's a lot more manageable for us, yeah.
Exactly. We hope you don't mind.
Do you want to tell the audience where we are in our life right now?
Of course. Welcome back to Too Young to Know, anyway.
Also, thank you for 300 downloads, Jesus.
Oh my goodness.
You didn't tell me that.
I didn't tell you that. It's a surprise.
That's sick.
Um yeah so Maia and I wanted to do an episode today about going back to school or moving to a
new school because I feel like throughout my life this has been such a prominent like thing that's
happened and every time I go back to school. Yeah you've went through it so many times.
Yeah and like going to a new school or starting school again in September or August or whenever
you start school after summer is always such like a big deal and I've always like felt comfort in
like back to school videos or back to school podcast episodes. What like romanticizing it?
Yeah and also just kind of making it seem more manageable and less like intimidating.
So we hope this can be of comfort even though most people are already back at school. We're
like the last people to go back. I was going to say the UK goes back the last and by the way if
If you do not know why Freya has been to so many schools, go back, listen to episode 5
about your little adventures of travelling.
Episode 5, you have it all written down.
Yeah, while you're talking I decided to just quickly check so that the lovely listeners
can go back and check.
I hope you can find comfort in this though.
If you're listening from America, you probably started like 3 or 4 weeks ago, or if you're
listening from mainland Europe you probably started in like July so we're quite late on
the chase but yeah. Yeah but we wanted to fill you in on our experience so far because
we've only been back a week. Yes and it has been quite a filling week if I do say so myself.
It's just been crazy. Maia and I have both moved to new schools but we moved to the same
the same college in our like and well I want to say local area but you literally live an
hour away from it. Yeah it's really not local for me so I thought we could also cover that at some
point. Yeah. So yeah we've got a lot to talk about today but we're gonna start off by just a little
weekly update, a small one. A small like what how I've been feeling. Yeah how like how you feel. I'm
I was so tired Friday afternoon, like in my politics class, I was having to pull my eyes open.
I nearly had to flick myself with water because I thought I was just gonna like...
I only had one lesson that day.
No, I had one right in the afternoon.
Yeah, same. It was just from like two till four, so I wasn't that bad.
I was like counting the clock though.
Yes, it was long.
I do really like that lesson though because I'm with my like crew.
Oh, by the way, I've made a crew. She's made a crew. She's literally been at school for a week
and she's already made like a group of friends. It's so funny and everyone, well I say everyone,
a lot of my friends did predict this that like, oh my you're literally going to abandon us a weekend.
Not even a joke at this point and I know I don't try to do it, I don't try to do it but I cannot
stop myself from making a bunch of friends. And I think that's a really admirable trait, you know?
Yeah, it's fun.
Yeah, and that way you can meet more people and it's less difficult for you.
But oh my god, I feel like we need to talk about how terrible,
like, the first couple of days were and how awkward all the lessons were.
What? You think that was bad?
Yes, everyone was basically in all the lessons because no one knows each other.
Everyone was dead quiet but that gives me the benefit of being the only person that talked,
which brought attention to me which made me happy so not a problem not a single problem in my view
sometimes i wonder how we're friends i actually don't know it was just horrendous and then the
teacher would like ask a question and no one would answer and it was just painful i i had to carry i
had to carry the lesson like half the time i would be the only person that put my flipping hand up
just so the teacher could move on yeah when i was doing traveling the teacher was asking
questions and stuff and I would literally give it a moment for people to put their hands up
but no one would so it always ended up being me answering the questions it was just
exhausting having to like talk to people and like push the conversation.
People have started to talk.
Yeah it's definitely getting there towards the end of the week it was way less awkward with everyone.
Do you have a like mentor tutor lesson thing?
Yeah on a Tuesday.
That was, that was quiet even in my book. Really?
Like everyone was like quiet. That was my most talkative lesson of the week.
For real? Literally my table was the only one that talked, everyone else sat there in silence.
Really? Oh.
I really like my form table, they're all really cool.
That's my other thing, I've like, okay, now I hate to be this weird but I've decided to be like
a bit selective with who I'm friends with which like and we're all selective with friends like
but we just don't admit it but I'm really happy with like who I've become friends with they're
all really cool and really nice. Yeah I feel like moving to college is definitely there's like 600
kids in our year so there's so many yeah there's like so many people that which means like loads
of people to kind of choose from. It's like when you talk to people it's almost like an interview,
like you ask what subjects they take and... It's really hard breaking that initial ice of like
'oh so what A levels do you do?' Yeah it's painful honestly it's so it's just terrible it's like
Maia you don't understand it's like my nightmare like all those and those activities are it's like
two truths one lie or something and... Oh it's it's it's awful like and I think so I like to make my
own games with the table just because it's more fun that way.
Oh you're so like annoying. What do you mean? I'm a social spirit Freya,
what are you talking about? It's annoying how easy you're finding this.
I just, okay, I just don't know what to say because I made a pact with myself at the start
of the school year that I was just gonna be my best self, most outgoing, most extroverted
and it's ended up being great.
Like, you gotta let me have this, Freya.
- Yeah, no, I think it's really cool.
But moving school, like other than the social aspect,
the workload, have you noticed?
It's just insane. - It's a lot.
- It's insane.
- Like we both only take three subjects,
which is the recommended amount,
but even with the recommended amount,
it is really quite a lot already.
Yeah, what subjects did you take again?
Philosophy, psychology and computer science.
Oh, you took psychology.
Yeah, it's actually really good.
I think you probably would have liked it.
I took politics and I was thinking about you the whole time,
like every lesson I have it,
because you would just love it.
Oh my God, I know.
And I had some family over and they were like,
"Maia, why didn't you take politics?
You're like the most political person I know."
And then I was like, "Oh crap,
maybe I should have done that."
no you would love it like and the teacher as well was so left it's so funny like the last lesson we
had we were talking about the queen's funeral and the queue to like see the coffin and we spent
we spent the first like 15 minutes laughing at how british it is to queue to see a coffin and
like queue for 12 hours just to look at a box it's quite funny it's so funny if they put like
a window in it or it was a glass coffin and that would have been very fun but it's literally
a metal box like there's nothing to see. I can understand why you'd want to pay your
respects so that's fair enough if you like to do that.
Yeah but my class in politics is so talkative there's only nine of us in there but we all-
That's the thing, the only reason I didn't pick politics is because I didn't want to
be with a bad cohort of like right-wing people and that's like the main reason that made
me not pick politics but like I think I'm happy with my selection so I'm not too angry about that.
Yeah, there's like one American boy and then a French girl and we've made a group chat like
we're literally like it's so cute. Which French girl is that?
I don't know, I remember her name but I'm not gonna say her name.
Okay, fair enough.
But yeah she speaks like very minimal English, she has like Google Translate up on her iPad
like whilst the teacher's talking to try and like understand. I feel so bad for the people who came
to our college without realising that it would be full on English. Yeah, yeah. There are quite a few
of them who have really minimal English skills. Yeah there's loads of international students.
But saying that my cohort is like 80% international students like I'm I want to say that I'm in with
them kind of are. And it's so interesting because I talked to them about like, why did
you choose to come and study in the UK or literally all from the European Union, there's
a billion better options. Because to be clear, it's not easy to study in this country, it
costs like thousands of pounds. And you have to get a visa now because we're not in the
EU. It was not an easy track for these people to come and study here. And most of them answered
either of the two. A) I wanted to get away from my parents as far as possible and B)
I wanted to improve my English. Really? Yeah but did you know this? They weren't even told
what college they'd be going to, they were just dumped in our town. It's crazy like the
fact that they don't speak the language like very well like I can't imagine, I speak a
a little bit of German, very minimal German.
You speak a bit of German? What?
Yeah, because I went on that exchange, didn't I?
So I can speak like a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of German.
And that really helped.
Like a week, but I was with like, I was with, it was literally year eight,
but genuinely, like, I could speak a little bit to a German person.
I just can't imagine like,
can you imagine me moving to Germany and being like, yeah.
I can imagine myself doing that. I couldn't imagine you doing that.
No, I'd literally like... I'd be so sad.
You'd go home, like, after two weeks.
Fuck off.
I just feel like these people, like, they must be so homesick.
What? No, but you've got to understand, from what I've talked about with my international friends,
pretty much all of them are just huge-ass extroverts which are loving, like, this huge exposure to new culture.
I think it's a unique problem.
I just can't grasp that like I can't. But I also don't think you'd do that.
What do you mean? You wouldn't, I don't think you'd study abroad for college maybe further
like further than college but not currently I don't think you would. Yeah at least not in a
country that I can't speak the language of but yeah. But then what does that leave you with?
that leaves you with what Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America, not amazing options.
No yeah okay all right whatever but yeah I was thinking about like how
scared I was on my first day or like on the first day I was fine until about lunchtime and then
lunchtime was just quite unsettled because so many people it wasn't there it's really busy and
there's nowhere to really sit and like I was with my friend but it's still like there's still nowhere
to sit so we were just kind of wandering around the college and I think being so unsettled started
to like trigger my anxiety and then like the rest of the day I was just really kind of homesick and
I felt really far away from home because yeah this college is like an hour away from where I live.
I think you made a really good choice though because this is like one of the top colleges
in our whole country. Yeah I know but yeah I just felt quite homesick and I missed the secondary
school that we went to and I missed the familiarity of it and like yeah I don't know I think when I
was there I didn't appreciate like all the things that didn't make me anxious like knowing the
buildings and stuff and like we're like so we're so different i'm like i'm trying to put like a
kind of perspective on for people who feel the same way oh of course that it's kind of like
relatable and people understand that you know those feelings if you're moving to a new school
especially if it's far away that you know it's very normal to like i wanted to be happy and i
and I wanted to be excited for this new opportunity and to meet new people and all of that because
I genuinely know no one at this school except one or two people.
Exactly, you can paint your own perspective on yourself, you can be who you want to be.
Yeah, and I really wanted to be excited and I was until the first day and then that first
day I just came home really anxious and upset because I felt so homesick and just stressed
out but obviously I kept going because I don't really have a choice.
No you really don't. They've got such a strict policy on absence.
Yeah so...
You'll literally be kicked out.
Yeah it's crazy. So yeah I kept going but the bus ride there is like an hour and that
was all new to me as well like travel anxiety is a whole other thing but...
You have to be there all day or your bus is like hourly.
No I have to be there all day.
What? You have to be there from nine to four?
That's like a job, Jesus.
I know, so I get home at like-
Actually that's more than a job, that's like 8 till 5.
Yeah, I get home at around quarter to 6 and then I leave-
To be fair though, that gives you so much time to study.
It does, yeah, because I just sit in the library that we have and I just work for hours, which
means I don't have to do any work when I get home, which is a lot nicer. It kind of keeps
it separate from my home life, which is, I feel really lucky.
It's good sometimes.
Exactly. But yeah, like travelling on the bus is something I've never been a fan of
and it's always given me anxiety. But I obviously had to do it for this school because I really
wanted to go to this school.
You have any other options, so?
Yeah, and so I have to get the bus. And it's not terrible, but it's a whole new experience
for me and I'm definitely getting the hang of it. But that's normal as well. If you have
anxieties about traveling like you get the train right? Yeah. So what time do you
get the train? They come every like 20 minutes I can take it whenever. Really?
Yeah. And where does it... okay wait no don't say that. I'm just gonna ask you where does it drop you off for you to go home?
It drops me off like a 10 minute drive from my house. Okay okay yeah I don't like
I wish I could get the train.
It's really like it's really good. Honestly, I've never been happy at my commute is 15 minutes
lucky you
No, because you had that you have that when we were in secondary school. Yeah now I get that blessing now we're in college
Yeah, you had to travel like an hour to get to an hour and 20 minutes each way to get to secondary school
It was insane
Yeah, yeah, every time I mention everyone goes what secondary school did you go to and I say and they're like, where's that?
Yeah, exactly. I've got that so many times. They're like, sorry what her because they're all from like the surrounding schools most of them
Yeah, I just feel so like irrelevant. I've never said my secondary school to someone and then them not know where that is
It's so strange. I
Once I've had one time where they've actually recognized the name
Really? Yeah, I
My politics teacher recognized the name and then she was like, oh you're traveling quite far aren't you and I was like, yeah
Yeah, I am. That's literally the only reaction I get just how far I'm traveling but pretty grim isn't it plus it's so expensive
Yeah, but if you get like the child card, then it's fine like yeah child bus 3 ID, whatever it's called
Yeah, 3 ID
Yeah, it's it's not that bad and like now I'm getting used to it and I'm kind of adapting to it
It's all good. But yeah at the end of the week, I was just fucking
knackered like
completely wiped the stress of
This college is just so intense like I will get set work that will have to be done in like two days
And it will be like a whole PowerPoint like for politics. They just set so much and then for philosophy
I don't understand anything that goes on in that class.
Are you not starting to get it yet?
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Why are you fucking me?
Are you not starting to get it yet?
I'm not dumb, okay?
Look, I'm not.
You're not?
No, no, you're really not dumb.
This is taking me by surprise for you.
A lot of people who have, like, the table I moved to, they're like, we have no idea
what's going on.
And then my friend in that class is also like overwhelmed with the work and is confused
about it.
It's pretty mad, especially the like self-study we have to do is a lot of stuff.
Yeah and the concepts are just so like confusing like they're so and there's so much to them
like they...
It's a lot.
Yeah okay what were we doing last lesson?
It was...
We were learning about types of knowledge.
Yeah, like the definition of knowledge. And then you have to know something, you have to believe
it, it has to be true, and you have to be able to prove it, right? Justification. But then when you
really think about it, we don't know if anything's true. We can't really believe anyone because we
can't trust anything. And you can't prove anything because you can't trust anything. So like nothing,
we know nothing. Nothing can be true. Do you know what I mean? Like...
Yeah, it's a bit... it kind of winds you up.
Yeah, and it all feels so, like, pointless. Like, I left
on Thursday thinking I was going to drop the subject.
Yeah, like, I wanted to switch it. Because he had confused me so much.
But you've made friends in that class, haven't you?
Yeah, and they're really cool.
Yeah, they seem nice.
But yeah, it's just like, especially at the start, I feel like they've put quite a lot on us.
Like the first week we were just thrown straight in the deep end, I feel.
But I think that's just the nature of it and I think it will probably sink in a bit,
like in a good way.
Yeah, like it will ease off a bit.
I think they're just trying to like kind of see who's going to do the work and who's not going
to do it and they're trying to filter. Should we do a course rating? Rate how good we think our
course is? Yeah okay. Okay so I'll start. Psychology, I actually have to call it my best option I think
and that's kind of purely just because I have a really good group of people in that class like
they're good and they're really fun to talk to plus the work is kind of simple and it makes
really a lot of sense to me. So I am really liking psychology. Number two is philosophy, second best.
It's opening my mind and that's what I like about it. It's making me think about things from
a wider perspective in life and I think that's really valued. And it is a slightly headfucky
at some point but I think that's kind of what makes it worth it. Like the fact you have to
really like think deeply about things. And then at the worst is computer science. And now you might
be asking, "Maia, you're the best at computer science. Why is it your worst on my list?"
And that is purely because it is not new to me. The content is not new to me. I've already
learned it and I just am slightly bored of learning about computer science. But it's also
what I'm going to do at uni, so it is what it is. So you need the qualification of it to do it at
uni. Is that why you're sticking with it? Yeah. Okay, I see. What's your writings?
Philosophy at the bottom. Oh, sad. Genuinely so shit and confusing. But I'm hoping it's just gonna
simple out a bit. You'll get it at some point. I'm not gonna switch it because I can't be asked
to fuck about with that. I'm just gonna stay with it and hope it gets more interesting and
understandable. Then after that I'd say graphics. Graphics is like my class is very small and it's
slightly intimidating, like the teacher is slightly intimidating because she's kind of, again, she's
like you guys don't understand how much work you need to do, like you're gonna have to be really
like good at this to like be able to do it and she's just trying to intimidate us and stuff.
Which for someone with anxiety I don't think people understand how much that fucks me up. Like
I know they're not aiming it at me because I work hard but when they say it to a class like that
it's really hard to... Wait what subject was that?
Graphics! Oh right.
It's really hard to like block it out sometimes but what we've actually been doing in the lesson
is nice like we've made some mind maps and mood boards and it's so chill and then at the top is
politics. Easy. Like it's so...
Amazing subject yeah. Yeah it's so nice and like it's so chill
and the vibes in there are so nice and everyone in there is just really nice too.
The teacher again is slightly intimidating. I think they'll like mellow out.
- I think they're trying to like put us in line, you know?
- Yeah, I definitely think they're trying to scare us a bit, but I'm gonna stick with it.
Like politics is so interesting. Did you know, right? This is technically supposed to be a
political podcast so I can say this. - No, technically.
Technically a political podcast, go on. - You know Boris Johnson?
Yes. So at Eton they have these like tradition.
Oh god are you going to talk about that one? Almost sorority groups. Okay apparently everyone
knew this before I knew it. Because it blew up on TikTok.
One of them is burning a £50 note in front of a homeless person.
About that yeah. And Boris Johnson has in fact burnt a £50
note in front of a homeless person. Pretty valid yeah.
well as this are you familiar with David Cameron?
Yes I know who David Cameron is.
I need to say yes, it was just a question.
David Cameron, he was at a party with fellow fucking politicians.
There was a pig, you know when they do those hot roasts with the pigs, like the full pigs?
Oh yes, yes, yes.
he thought it would be funny if he fucked the dead pig.
What? Are you serious?
He fucked the dead pig in the pig's mouth. So technically he made a dead pig give him a blowjob
in front of all these people. I have so many questions that will just get answered because I
don't... Isn't that like bestiality? That's pretty foul.
yes it's bclity but that's like what we talk about in politics that's genuinely like what
our lessons consist of it's so fun and a little bit fucked right those people are running our country
that's so so so so have you made friends prayer well i've made friends with my politics class
because we have that group chat okay okay i literally the whole class is friends which is so
nice. That is really nice yeah. There was some oh yeah in travelling I got a couple girls Instagrams
you know what I'm like making moves like it's not I'm not like just sitting with my one friend and
sticking with her like that is what I do most of the time because we are really close but
yeah I'm talking to people like I'm not just like sitting on my own. Yeah of course yeah. I also
think sitting on your own is not as bad as people make it out to be. Like, it's productive
and it's fine.
Yeah but like, it's, you've got to have aloneness in moderation.
Yeah definitely but I think at college it's probably sometimes better to be alone than
with people. Like if every study period I had I was sitting with friends I would just
get f*ck all done, you know?
but like one of my friends who is insane takes five A levels which is
Stupid and do not take five A levels. You'll have no free time
even possible
What A levels did they take? I don't remember all of them, but I know that he's in from I
Think it's nine till four every single day. Absolutely. No gaps
But you say that like we're prioritizing study
I've been talking to him over the weekend and he's been out with friends literally month. Sorry Saturday Sunday and Monday
Like a mad person like literally
like go you but also Wow, I
Lept Saturday
Basically, I'm extra vices, but I do have a social battery and I know that it would not allow that to occur
Yeah, yeah, I slept Saturday
Then I met up with someone the whole day yesterday and then today I've been doing work the whole day
And I still have like more to do. I
don't I don't actually have a lot of
Well, I mean it took me like
An hour tops. It wasn't too bad
See that's like manageable my politics takes me like it took me five hours to write the notes
My what is it? It's she sets us the power points and on the power points
There are like tasks, but they're so I hate it. So to that it's like make a timeline of all the like
constitutional acts that happened since like the beginning of time since the Magna Carta and you have to make a timeline of all of them and
And then it would just be like really chunky tasks like that.
Then throughout that you have to write 10 questions to ask someone in the class the next lesson we have.
Then you have to make like detailed notes of everything so you can't just do the tasks that she sets.
You have to make notes of everything that goes along with it.
I wouldn't accept that, that is insane.
That subject is like, I'm not sure how many other subjects are like this, but it's content based.
So they make you learn the content outside of the lesson, then you apply it in the lesson.
No, all of my subjects teach.
That's their job, they teach.
I know, in politics. This is why I'm confused because I'll spend so much time learning the
content outside the lesson. But then if there's something you don't understand,
if you don't understand the content before you get to the lesson, how are you expected to apply it
in the lesson?
By emailing your teacher.
You should learn the content in the lesson with the teacher, so if you have any questions,
they're answered like. Oh yeah I totally agree that you you should learn in lesson and then do
questions and work outside that makes sense. Yeah so then you apply it on your own. I know kind of
like what every other subject does. Yeah and therefore if you don't make an effort in the
lesson to learn then you won't be able to apply it to your homework and you won't be able to do
your homework so it works better that way whereas when you have to learn all the content outside of
of the lesson, it's just too much, you know?
Yeah, agreed.
But yeah, I'm just trying really hard with it and I got my flying start back and I got
an A* so I was like...
They haven't marked any of mine!
They haven't- one of my subjects hasn't even asked for it.
Oh yeah, Pot Graphics didn't ask for mine.
Which I was devastated because I spent so much time on it.
Yeah, that's the thing, I literally spent hours doing this and you haven't even asked
for it submitted.
I know it's so sad when they do that it just feels a little bit like not fair.
I could have just not done this yeah.
Yeah and especially as someone who's been doing so long.
And then all of those people in our class who are like yeah I didn't do it and I'm like
you little bitch.
And then they just like get away with it.
Yeah yeah it's just it boils my blood slightly.
I think they'll get away with it less like at our college it's so strict.
really strict so if you don't do your homework you're not allowed into the lesson until you've
done it so you can't learn anything more like in your lessons. I don't understand the 10 minutes
thing do you understand the 10 minutes thing? What do you mean? So basically if you are more
than 10 minutes late for a lesson you just can't do that lesson for the whole hour. I thought it
was five minutes. It was something like that, I don't remember. And then the only exception is a
like delayed bus or train but it only works during like before 10 a.m. Like what? Why? Like surely if
someone's late you'd want them to at least have the half of the lesson that you can't teach them.
Yeah I think they do it to try and motivate you to be on time because if you aren't allowed
in the lesson you're not going to be able to learn the content and then you get a shit grade
but i don't think they understand like they underestimate how many people just don't give a
fuck about their grades like you know that i mean i don't know how much attention you pay to it in
philosophy but you know the guy on my table that comes in like 20 minutes late every single day
i was gonna say i was gonna bring him up like okay okay he's so cool and i love him
he lives in the same town as me, I literally like he's on the same train as me and I notice every day
but why are you always 20 minutes late and why do you always get away with it?
I know!
That's what I want to know
I also wanted to talk about dressing situation
Okay okay hold on before you start I've got something to say about this
For my whole life I have like been anti-uniform but for once in my life
I realised that this is so much effort to make an outfit every single day.
Isn't it? Like the novelty has worn off. Like after the first day...
Literally for the first two or three days it was dress to impress and then on day four I woke up
like half an hour late and my train was gonna go in like 20 minutes and I was like
ah f*ck and just like put on whatever was lying around.
Honestly, so did I. Like, I woke up one morning so tired that I was gonna wear my joggers into school,
but I walked downstairs and my mum was like, "What are you gonna wear today?" And I was like,
"Yeah, she'll probably choose something else!"
Oh, honestly, like, it's great and I love it and I'm so much more comfortable than I ever was,
but it's effort. Like, it is effort. I don't know how the American kids do it.
I know it is really like...
Like I actually want to know, although to be fair though, from what I understand,
they don't dress to impress, they just like go in and whatever.
Yeah, yeah. But it is kind of fun like when you're shopping for clothes now.
Like I went charity shopping the other day and it's fun to kind of like look at clothes and be
like I can wear this to school. Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah it's really fun.
We don't have a dress code.
Yeah, there's no dress code. You could just wear whatever the fuck you want.
That's the thing that puts us above American fucking schools.
Yeah, because we can actually just express ourselves, you know?
As long as you're not nude, they're fine with that.
And also wear like what is really comfortable, which I appreciate so much.
Because like how new this whole situation is, like the new school, the new people,
the new way of getting to school, the new way of coming home, like all of that is so new.
and to be able to wear something that is comfortable and that fits me and that, you know,
I feel comfortable in. So like, I value it so much. Like, I can't imagine doing that commute to school
and then back from school and then spending like a seven hour day at school in our uniform.
From our secondary school.
- uniform, awful.
- Yeah, actually painful.
- Yeah, I'm so like glad we're over it to be honest.
Have you done anything with your like free periods yet that isn't studying?
Yes, I go to McDonald's with friends.
Yeah, I literally spent £15 on McDonald's last week. I'm gonna curb the spending, don't worry.
Oh my god.
You know our friend Bonnie, Charlotte's Bonnie, I went to McDonald's with her
and I listened to her when she asked me, well asked, I said when she suggested to get the
spicy McNuggets, I cried. That is how bad I am with spice. That I cried to fucking McDonald's
spicy nuggets. And there is something wrong with me.
Oh dear. That's tragic. I'm sorry. What have you done?
Nothing. I've studied. Oh, like the whole time?
Yeah. Every free period I have, I study because then it means I don't have to do the work
when I get home because I'm so tired when I get home. Like knackered. So it's so nice
to be able to just do the work at school but then it does mean I'm working a really long
day without many breaks.
I think on Wednesday I've got like a four hour gap in between our club and my main lesson.
Yes, oh do I?
I think I'm going to go to a friend's house because they live really near with them.
Oh, that's cute.
Yeah. I think I actually had to share a lesson with them in the morning, let me double check.
I would just like worry that I wouldn't get back on time as well and also walking off
that fucking hill to the school is just...
Oh it is tragic isn't it?
It's painful.
Like I've never... okay this is kind of like a bit PG. Jesus. I've never been more sweaty
at school than I do after climbing that fucking hill.
That's why I don't do it. Like I get into school and I'm like oh I appreciate being
like cold right now because I know that if I got the train every morning and had to walk
up that hill, I would be sweaty the whole day and that's just not what I want to be.
It's really quite grim and plus the walk is like, I mean the only pro of it is that you
can walk with people that are cool.
Yeah but the humidity at the moment, like that's why everyone's so sweaty because the
humidity has genuinely been like 100%. I looked on the weather app like every morning and
I checked the humidity and it says 100% which is crazy, it doesn't make sense like what,
How do you even measure humidity?
Are you sure it's 100%?
I know!
Like surely if it was 100% we'd be like-
You sure that's accurate?
It says on my weather app!
Yeah but just because it says on your weather app doesn't mean it's accurate.
Well it's like the Apple weather app.
Hold on let me go and check on my trusted weather app.
Oh that's low.
No sorry 61.
still low normally it's like 90 something. Insane. Wait what's your humidity right now?
What's your humidity? No I'm checking for where our college is. Okay okay. Alright so
for tomorrow during daytime from Accuweather. Oh it's gonna be it's getting quite warm again.
Oh my god this is so slow. 64% like it's not awful. Oh it's gonna rain the whole of this
weekend is it or next weekend well yeah this weekend coming up oh okay that's so
unfortunate I have a three-day weekend though I have Mondays off oh you are so
lucky for that as well I know and I know how lucky I am like it's apparently
apparently barely anyone got a day off yeah but you have to understand like
because I travel so far I think they like sorted my timetable out so that I
I didn't have to come in for like one lesson a day.
- I don't think they take that into account, but sure.
- They did.
I had a mentor on Monday and I was like,
"Please, can you change this?"
So I don't have to come in on a Monday
because I live so far away.
And they were like, "Sure," and changed it.
So now I have Mondays off.
- Beautiful.
But I think that is time for us.
So let's wrap it up.
- Thank you guys so much for listening to us talk about.
- Nice to be back after me not being here for four weeks.
'Cause you had definitely our last.
Yeah, it's been like a hot minute.
Yeah, thank you for listening.
We hope you enjoyed and...
- We'll see you in two weeks.
- See you in two weeks.
Don't forget to be five star.
Love you all. - As usual.
Love you all.
Bye bye. - Bye.
(upbeat music)